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Did you know you can customize the cover photo for your Instagram Reels? Here’s how to do it:

  1. Prepare Your Reels Post

    • Once your Instagram Reels video is ready to post and you’ve added your caption, you can set it to go live by scheduling it in UNUM.

  1. Auto-Post and Select Cover Photo

    • After selecting Auto-Post, tap on Select Cover Photo. From here, you can choose a cover photo for your Reels.

  1. Add a Custom Cover Photo

    • You can upload a custom image to use as the cover.

  1. Preview in Square Format

    • You’ll be able to preview how the cover photo will look in a 1x1 square, ensuring it fits well in your Instagram grid.

  2. Schedule Your Post

    • Once you’ve selected your cover photo, schedule your Reels to go live, and your post will publish with your custom cover image.

Last updated